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The Trumpet Shall Sound

Who hasn’t wondered at some point whether there’s life after death? Finding the answer becomes even more important when we experience the loss of someone very close. Death raises many questions. Did they suffer? Could they hear what I whispered to them at the end? Did they mean to take their own life or was it an accident? Did they know how much I loved them? And above all – will we meet again? The Trumpet Shall Sound is one of more than a dozen books and pamphlets written by Maurice Barbanell, founding editor of the Spiritualist newspaper Psychic News. It was first published in 1933. It has been out of print for decades but is such an exceptionally fine record of evidential spirit communication that rare copies from second-hand booksellers around the world have sold for three-figure sums. This book contains verbatim conversations between spirit individuals – who gave detailed proof of their identity – and their earthly loved ones. These intimate exchanges took place in the private home circle of the world-famous medium Estelle Roberts, whose public demonstrations regularly packed London’s Royal Albert Hall. The book consists entirely of verbatim conversations between spirit individuals and their earthly loved ones, which took place through the Direct Voice mediumship of the legendary Estelle Roberts between 1932 and 1933. The evidence of survival beyond death obtained in these sittings is some of the most compelling ever recorded. Get your copy – Click here

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